BEEF CLEAR SOUP - SOTO BANDUNG ~ sundanese food & recipes
In the west of java Indonesia where I grew up, amazingly I found so many interesting cultures and cuisines. For always having a fresh vegies with chili sauce in almost every dishes, I found that habit made me become a food lover.
After I got married, I started asking mom, aunties, grandma etc to share some recipes so I can pass on to my daughter later on to keep the tradition. Here are some of them and hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


In cold weather like we have in Bandung, it’s really great ambiance to have this Bandung beef clear soup for dinner with addition fried emping, sweet soy sauce and bird’s eye chili paste, and of course… don’t forget hot steam white rice.

250 g brisket beef
1 radish, thinly sliced and blanced for 2-3 minutes
75 g soy beans, soak in warm water for 10 minutes, drained, roasted
2 liters water
4 cloves garlics, ground
¼ tsp ground white pepper
1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
3 cm ginger, peeled, crushed
2 salam bay leaves
1 tsp salt
1 spring onion, thinly sliced
1 stalk Chinese celery, thinly sliced

1. Place 2 liters of water in a pot, boil the beef with lemongrass, a pinch of salt, crushed ginger, and salam bay leaves until the beef is tender ( water reduce to 1 liter), drain, cut into cubes, set aside.
2. Strain off the beef stock and re-boil it in adding ground garlics, ground white pepper and salt.
3. Put the cubes sized beef into a pot and let it boiled until the taste is achieved. Remove from the heat.
4. Place sliced radish into a bowl, add the clear soup and the beef, add fried shallots on top together with sliced Chinese celery and roasted soy beans. Serve immediately.

If you prefer a hot and spicy soup, you can add chili sauce from steamed 10 bird’s eye chili with a pinch of salt and adding a little bit of beef stock (or warm water. Crushed them together and place in a small bowl.

Menyantap soto bandung ini biasanya dilengkapi dengan emping goreng , kecap manis, sambal cabe rawit dan nasi hangat.

250 g daging sapi
1 buah lobak, diiris tipis, rebus 2-3 menit
75 g kacang kedelai, rendam dengan air panas, tiriskan, sangrai
2 liter air
4 siung bawang putih, haluskan
¼ sdt merica halus
1 batang serai, memarkan
3 cm jahe, kupas, memarkan
2 lembar daun salam
1 sdt garam
1 batang daun bawang, iris tipis
2 batang seledri, iris tipis

1. Rebus daging sapi bersama serai, jahe, dan daun salam hingga empuk (air tersisa 1 liter), angkat, tiriskan. Potong daging berbentuk dadu, sisihkan.
2. Didihkan kembali air bekas rebusan daging (air kaldu), tambahkan bawang putih, merica halus, dan garam.
3. Masukkan kembali daging sapi yang sudah dipotong, biarkan mendidih kembali, angkat.
4. Letakkan lobak di dalam mangkuk saji, tambahkan kuah dan dagingnya, taburkan bawang goreng, daun bawang, irisan seledri,, dan kacang kedelai. Sajikan.

Bagi yang suka cita rasa pedas, bias menambahkan sambal yang terbuat dari 10 buah cabai rawit yang direbus, ditambah sedikit garam, dihaluskan dan diberi air hangat sedikit supaya sedikit encer.

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