CLEAR SPINACH SOUP ~ sundanese food & recipes
In the west of java Indonesia where I grew up, amazingly I found so many interesting cultures and cuisines. For always having a fresh vegies with chili sauce in almost every dishes, I found that habit made me become a food lover.
After I got married, I started asking mom, aunties, grandma etc to share some recipes so I can pass on to my daughter later on to keep the tradition. Here are some of them and hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Serve: 4-6
Cooking time: 20 minutes

spinach clear soup

600 ml water
2 fresh corns, washed and roundly cut into 8
1 bunch of spinach, wash, trim only leaves and young stems
1 chayote, peeled, cut into cubes
1 carrot, peeled, cut into 2-3 cm (optional)
2 shallots, thinly sliced
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
3 cm chinese keys

1. Boil the water in a pot, cook the slices corn until soft ( about 15 minutes).
2. Add chayote, carrots, shallots, salt, sugar and chinese keys. Let them boiled.
3. After all the ingredients cooked, add spinach and let it cook for 1 minutes. Remove and place in a bowl. Ready to serve.


  • When picking a good corn, always pick with the fresh leaves corn with tight and evenly size kernels. The kernels should be not to soft or to hard when we press them.
  • Cook this clear spinach soup right before serving. Should not be reheat it because it will lose the mineral and even will produce unfavorable mineral to your body.


600 ml air
2 bonggol jagung, bersihkan, potong bulat jadi 8
1 ikat bayam, cuci, petik daun dan tangkainya yang muda
1 buah labu siam
1 buah wortel
2 bawang me
rah, iris tipis
1 sdt garam
1 sdt gula pasir
3 cm temu kunci

1. Didihkan air, masak jagung sampai matang (15 menit).
2. Masukkan labu siam, wortel, bawang, garam, gula, dan temu kunci. Biarkan mendidih sebentar.
3. Setelah semua matang, terakhir masukkan bayam, masak sebentar (1 menit), dan angkat segera. Pindahkan ke mangkuk dan siap disajikan.


  • Memilih jagung: pilihlah jagung dengan daun yang masih segar. Butirannya tersusun rapat, dengan ukuran besar yang sama. Bila ditekan tidak terlalu lembek dan tidak terlalu keras.
  • Masaklah sayur bening bayam pada saat dekat dengan waktu makan. Sebaiknya jangan memanaskan kembali sayur bayam, karena akan kehilangan zat gizi, bahkan akan mengeluarkan zat yang merugikan kesehatan.

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